How to send postcards to persuade decision makers

We're using various tactics to convince decision makers to take action on warm homes. Find out how to send postcards to your MP.

16 Jan 2024

Why we're sending postcards

It’s important that our decision makers hear heartfelt messages from members of the community about why we need warm homes. We’ve created template postcards in the shape of a home which you can order and use to gather messages to send to our MPs. 

A postcard in the shape of a home with a handwritten message: "I'm calling for warm homes for all because a safe and comfortable home should be the bare minimum for every human. We are such a rich country - we should be ashamed that we let people be cold. Joy."
Written postcard © Friends of the Earth

By asking members of your group, local partners and members of the public to fill these in, you’ll collect hundreds of heartfelt messages and bring the voices of the community directly to decision makers. These messages will demonstrate the diversity of support for warm homes, and allow MPs to hear first-hand accounts of the impacts of cold homes.

How to create postcards

The template postcards can be coloured in and a personalised message can be added to the back to tell politicians why warm homes matter. You can use these postcards at stalls, coffee mornings, craft workshops or any other events you organise. Remember to have a mailing list sign-up sheet to hand and use the opportunity to grow your network. 

Three people sit round a table writing on postcards
Warm Homes postcards © Friends of the Earth

We’ve also created a version of the postcard that’s pre-filled in case you’re short on time. With this version, constituents can simply add their name and postcode to the card.   

To help make this activity more accessible, we'd encourage you to provide a way for members of your community to send in messages from home too. This could be as simple as sending an email to your mailing list or posting on social media and asking people to send in their messages.

How to send postcards

Once you’ve started gathering postcards, use them to engage your MP(s) by sending them batches of the postcards so they can read the handwritten messages. You can also bring postcards you’ve collected to any meetings you have with them and hand them over directly. 

If you cover more than one constituency, you may want to prioritise sending postcards to any new MPs to help you build your relationship and introduce the campaign. As you collect more postcards, you can send them on to other MPs in your area.

You can also use the postcards more creatively, for example by sharing photos of them on social media (if you have permission to do so) and tagging MPs, or by creating a display of postcards at events.  


Find out more about how to win political commitments and persuade decision makers.