Create your campaign

United for Warm Homes campaign

Over the next couple of years, we’ll work together with food banks, housing groups and climate activists to build powerful coalitions that force our government to take decisive action on the energy crisis. Use the guides below to create your own local campaign.  

Not part of a group yet? Around 170 groups are already campaigning for warm homes. Join one to get started.

Your campaign guide

Find your campaign partners

05 Sep 2022

Our campaign goal – warm homes that don't cost the Earth – will only be possible if we join forces across different interests and work together. Start your campaign journey by finding other community groups and local organisations who are passionate about the goal.

Organise a campaign planning event

23 Jan 2024

A campaign planning event is a great way to launch and develop your United for Warm Homes campaign, as well as bring people together who want to take action on the energy crisis. Read our guide and find out how to work with partners to co-host a successful event.

Build local support

05 Sep 2022

Securing community support for your United for Warm Homes campaign is key to showing politicians that there’s widespread demand for action on the energy crisis. Find out how to grow public support for the campaign and build momentum in the community.

Win political commitments

16 Jan 2024

We need to secure active and vocal support for warm homes from MPs to ensure they commit to urgently fixing our energy system so that it works for people and planet.

United for Warm Homes groups in action

United for Warm Homes groups and local partners have been campaigning across the country, calling for lower energy bills and warm homes for all. Check out our photo gallery to see them in action.

Campaign timeline

Visual explainer

This timeline explains how we'll achieve our campaign goals. View the text-accessible version or download the print version.

Training and events

Register for our upcoming webinar on how to make warm homes a key issue in the upcoming general election.


Watch recordings of previous meetings and our short skills sessions.

Key resources

United for Warm Homes fund

05 Oct 2022

Find out more about the United for Warm Homes Fund and how to apply.

Values, policies and insurance

24 Oct 2022

These values and policies will help your group work well together and navigate any data or legal-related concerns you might have. All registered United for Warm Homes groups are expected to adhere to these values and policies.

Group resources order form

09 Sep 2022External link

Need campaign posters, pledges, placards or leaflets? See what's in stock and place an order for free using this form.