2024 general election campaigning

In the run-up to the 2024 general election, United for Warm Homes groups did an incredible job campaigning and making sure warm homes were on the agenda.

Alongside Friends of the Earth groups and local partners, United for Warm Homes groups organised and asked questions at nearly 50 hustings. We also engaged candidates by sending postcards from our communities, sharing the latest local data on cold homes, and meeting with them alongside local partners. 

And we know that’s far from all – tell us about how you campaigned on the general election, and share your photos to add to our gallery of what groups have been getting up to.

Check out some of your photos below and find out what's next for the campaign.

What we achieved

Hundreds of election candidates heard the call for warm homes loud and clear, and committed to supporting United for Warm Homes through our campaign pledge.

"I support the United for Warm Homes campaign’s call for a new nationwide home insulation programme with funding of at least £6 billion a year. This should be delivered street-by-street, area-by-area, starting with neighbourhoods that need it most.

"In parliament, I’ll do all I can to ensure these policies are introduced, so that none of my constituents suffer from fuel poverty or a cold home."


The following MPs and 2024 election candidates signed it:

What comes next?

Labour has won the election on a ticket promising change, so the new government must deliver on warm homes for all and fix our broken energy system.

A new government’s first 100 days are when it lays the groundwork for what it'll do while in power. We want to see the new government committing to ambitious action on warm homes. We need to meet with our newly elected MPs and share our campaign demands with them.  

Join our webinar on 18 July, where we’ll share our campaign plans for the government’s first 100 days, including how you can raise United for Warm Homes with your new MP. The webinar will also cover Friends of the Earth’s other key demands for people and planet. And find out how you can approach your new MP and share more about warm homes with Friends of the Earth's guide. 

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